The NY Times article
October 22, 2010
Want it short and sweet? The wisdom with all of the satisfaction and none of the guilt. Fashion, Top Trends, Lifehacks, The Best, Skinny Dip, The Dish, Ill Have What She's Having, Relationship Advice, Sweet To The Spirit, Politics, The Arts, Wine and Food.
The NY Times article
October 22, 2010
The issue is heating.
Facebook is facing a lawsuit over privacy issues.
My take on this...........
If you , by your own free will, voluntarily give personal information to a social network. You lose your right to privacy of that information.
The third party application LOL that is being accused in the facebook case, is just that...a third party.
The web was built on the idea of an open sourced way of exchanging information.
What information you contribute to it is up to you.
The illegal use of that information by deceptive means or non-disclosure of how the information will be used.
I hate those EULAs.