20th Century
I The first period in 20th Century Art focuses on technology. The invention of photography freed the artist. Jazz became an important representation of improvisation. There was so much change that people had to redefine who and what they were.Cubist artists were the first to represent volume by visual means. No more shadows to show depth.
The George Washington Bridge represents the symbol of our civilization.
The mechanised world is represented by the Futurist Movement.
Abstractism art draws away from or better yet separates from the peice as a whole. The artist analyzes and simplifies. It represents a break-up of the traditional view of the world.
The theme in abstract art is to "reduce and simplify".
In architecture, Le Corbusier uses this method.
II Expressionism and the modern self.
There was a prevalence of mechanisation influence. Our art of this period holds up a mirror to our values.
Electronic music appeared on the music scene. It represents the manipulation of material. Assembly lines produced our goods. There was a reaction of disdainfulness of the human condition.
There appears a distortion and abstraction of the real. Interpretation of the physical world is retold without limitations in the art world.
chance happenings captured in artwork